You’re my scientific hero.

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Oh, why thank you Rebekah :). So nice :).

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I’d love to have you on my YouTube channel. I’m one of Dr Berry’s coaches if that helps persuade you!

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Send me the link :). Happy to check it out.

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I’m super tiny 😂 but I am in school to become an FNP. And I’d love to talk about navigating academia while being on the “fringe” on nutrition. https://youtube.com/@rebekahbavrycphc

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You are honestly looking for interaction from which something could build… appreciate your great sense of consciousness, your knowledge and open mind ! Can not understand deeply why some people lose values for success

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For some, it's easy to have their incentive structure manipulated. For those "fortunate enough" to be motivated by pain and suffering with chronic disease... values are hard to shake.

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Science citizens must not be manipulated because they will loose the curious discovery power of their physiology and the ability to overcome standard judgments in the name of something vanishing and out of their life!

Be curious open minded and widely available to chat discuss share bring new ideas … is the way to build a new era of living and thinking. Where the potential of you ‘infects’ the weakness of me and let my curiosity take those limits and find solutions

@nick you are inspiring many open brainy guys and as one of them I am your right arm 😜🔥🙌🏽

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Thank you Ilaria... very kind!

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I have long stopped watching most of Layne Norton videos. I look at most of his promotional click bait and just can’t be bothered to watch another popular “Influencer” try to sell me something. It’s not that has said a lot things that are wrong, I just prefer to listen and watch people who I trust more like Nick Norwitz

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Appreciate it. I have my issues with him, including that I think he has the potential to get into the nuance but actively selects not. As I explain in the post, my tactics for managing him derive from careful consideration of what will b most productive, rather than an emotional reaction. We will see what happens.

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Just curious. When LDL goes up in lean mass hyper responders, what is the ratio of large particle LDL to small particle LDL? On a similar note, when you lowered your LDL with Oreo cookies, did the small particle LDL go up, and did the large particle LDL go down? Just curious!

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Far more large LDL-C. LMHR are almost always/always pattern A, from what I've seen. I didn't get an NMR spectra on my Oreo study. I'd expect that - in that acute carb feeding study - all particle sizes would drop including sdLDL given the probable impact of the insulin bump on LDL clearance and the fact that I remained insulin sensitive... but if I'd stayed on an Oreo addition diet for a year... well... things would likely change for the worse.

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Lane has a history of dogma over data. Too bad. It is impossible to reason with a person that is not reasonable and is not humble enough to admit they are wrong.

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Sadly, on point.

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