diet is extremely powerful and even one "type" of diet can be declinated in different ways! low carb or keto work on metabolic health that is also brain health, heart health, liver health... cellular health... and mitochondria health! we have to open mind on different approaches and open eyes on what people say back, how they feel.. when some one or more say "you save my life" maybe there is something good! waiting you on metabolic health initiative! I am on the platform since the beginning :))))))))

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By "declinated" did you mean "formulated?" I agree, a ketogenic diet is defined by ketosis, which can be achieved through a variety of approached. It's "perpendicular" to food source/category (e.g. plant or animal-based.)

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Yesss you are right! Keto diet is a way reach ketosis and combined with low insulin and the hormones’ orchestra which follows … we can change our physiology and functioning for better place

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